Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Down for the count today. Definitely sick. Bah.

Getting my reading done though - on the last of my crack fiction books, only started last night. But bloody fuck it's depressing. Yes in my current state that level of profanity seems entirely necessary and justifable.

Now, someone pass me the Codral...

Edit 8.34pm - These TW books frustrate me to no fucking end. I mean I'm aware that it's inconsequential tie-in material and I really don't expect much from what I deem to be pretty much sanctioned fanfiction, but is it *so* much to ask for a little consistency? I swear the things I put up with to feed this bizarre addiction, it defies common sense. Bah. Next week can't come fast enough.

From Jasper, with love.
[[Power and speed and death rolled into one]]

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