Thursday, July 23, 2009

I get by with a little help from my friends

Yesterday was a complete geek-night. Fun and relaxing, making it easy to forget that anything important may or may not be occuring outside of your current state. Pizza, biscuits, warm blankets and good company, who would argue with that? Although my dvds hadn't arrived (and still haven't), we settled in to watch copious amounts of Supernatural. It had been the initial plan anyway, so no major drama. We didn't do too badly either, got through most of season 3 - there was only four eps left by the time I headed home. While I enjoyed it, it's not really something I can see myself getting into. I'm too ambivalent about the characters and too exasperated with the predictability of the fights (and the stupidity, honestly people, come on.) It definitely feels a bit like 'Charmed' with boys. Good looking boys. Very good looking boys. Funny too (the timing and facial expressions really carry the show.) But that's besides the point really. Like I said, I did enjoy it. It was not nearly as creepy as I expected it to be. Oh and I must admit, though it disturbs me greatly, it's not hard to see where the whole Wincest thing comes from, they've made it far too easy... *shudder*

"We don't look nearly as good in a suit as your fictional Welsh boyfriend, but we're trying."

Next on the list, True Blood.

I spent today overdosing on Nutella and reading the latest Dresden Files novel, Turn Coat. I am already intrigued by it because it actually falls straight into the action again and there's a deadline. I'm tired of sitting around waiting for stuff to happen. I finished Jasper Fforde's The Eyre Affair yesterday which sort of made me want to try reading Jane Eyre again even though that novel is my literary nemesis. It hates me. It refuses to let me get past the third chapter. As for Jasper Fforde, I'm not sure whether I actually liked it or not. The writing is decent enough and the premise is absolutely brilliant, but I feel like it's lacking something that would make it click for me. I don't know. I suppose I expected more from it. I do love a good random literary reference though, and there's more than enough in this. The next one in the series is Lost in a good book and I might give that a try before I come to a decision on the whole thing. That'll have to wait though, I think I'm going to give American Gods a spin next. In between the uni readings of course. Of course. Ahem.

Music: Happiness is a warm gun - The Beatles
Mood: Nerdy


  1. Jane Eyre really is THAT good... push through dude... oh and American Gods? Awesome!

  2. *makes pathetic whiny noises* I hate making myself read things, I don't want it to feel like work. I got enough of that reading prescribed texts at school. It's the same problem that stopped me from reading Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrel, I hear it's fantastic once you get past the first section...I just can't get that far.

  3. Jane Eyre is probably my favourite book of all time, but I totally know what you mean; I really cannot get past page 167 of Lolita - eugh. xxx
