Saturday, July 11, 2009

Nobody here can live forever

For a split second this morning, I woke up thinking last night had just been a horrible dream. But alas, no. I was thinking, you know, if an injury to one is an injury to all, well I suspect I may be dead. I know it’s completely ridiculous to be feeling this way but I can’t help it. It is what it is, and I’m doing my best to get over it.

Mum decided to take me out shopping at 9 this morning to get me out of the house and stop me wallowing in self-pity. We went from one end to the other, on every level of Eastgardens Westfields. She steered me away from the suit section in Myer and tried to distract me when I was staring rather glumly at a coffee machine. I really have to give kudos to my parents for being so wonderful to their nutcase daughter. Not only have they been very nice all week about letting me squee and fangirl and take over the entire house with my excitement, but last night they both really pulled through for me as well. Dad even rang from work to check if I was ok. Hugs have also been handed out all day for no apparent reason. If I’m standing still for more than two seconds looking into space, I get a hug. It means a lot to know they support me through this - a time when I am perhaps acting more deranged than I ever have before. I mean, Jesus he’s a fictional character. But hey, no matter how many times I say that to myself, it doesn’t make it hurt any less. Sad but true. I’ve started mourning in the best way I know how. Of course I won’t stop watching the show; I’ll give the new season a chance. If they don’t do justice to his memory though, I shall be displeased. Very, very displeased. (Why won’t you fear my wrath?) I really am never getting this involved in a fandom again though, never again. Torchwood was the first and the last. Never. Again.

Anyway my retail therapy resulted in the acquisition of some lace-up Doc Marten-esque boots and a couple of t-shirts for printing purposes. I also tried on some really nice trenches. Still, 2.50 is too early to be home if you ask me. Gives me another 5 hours and 40 minutes to get this over and done with. I'm sure it's going to be brilliant, it's been amazing so far. Despite everything, it really has been the most brilliant television I've seen in a while. The production, the writing, the acting, it's been fantastic. It deserves the ratings it's been getting and I'm so proud to see a show everyone used to scoff at, get the attention it has. It's unfortunate that my heart had to be broken in the process, but hey. Oh, the melodrama!

UKTV are showing the other eps again before the final one tonight, I was going to make an afternoon of it, but I don't think I can manage that now.

Music: The quiet hum of the world passing by
Mood: Exhausted

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