Monday, October 27, 2008

Won't somebody please think of the children

At work. Blargh. Nothing to do. Double blargh.

I had a total Owen moment this morning.
"What is that smell?"
"That would be grass"
"It's disgusting!"

Mum watched the start of that episode with me the other day, and she was like "That sounds like you". Indeed. I always complain when we head into the wilderness and spend a great deal of my time running around with my phone in the air trying to get reception, when I'm not skulking around with my laptop looking for wifi hotspots that is. "No other race in the universe goes camping, celebrate your own uniqueness!". Ha. Not bloody likely. We didn't watch the whole ep tho. I had to skip it shortly after that because I realised it probably wasn't the best dinner time viewing.

Sometimes life can be so beautiful it makes your heart ache. Other times it seems like a collection of mediocre occurances and disappointments. There is more of the latter than of the former.

People getting old scares the hell out of me. I see them at work, all these frail, elderly people. It feels like just looking at them might push them over and break something. It makes my insides knot. It's unavoidable, inevitable, completely beyond control. I can't stand it.

Its one of the things that kill me about Torchwood. Jack might not be able to die, but perpetual aging! Gah. All that life and charisma to end up a giant withered face in a jar. Yay for virtual immortality o.o Even as a time lord, you'd be screwed eventually. Once you've regenerated your allocated amount of times...


As Brand New say, die young and save yourself.

Or become a vampire....or an elf. I love that elves can die of a broken heart, it's poetic. But then, I just love elves.

Damn fictional creations will be the death of me.

My left hand keeps going numb. It is exceedingly annoying.

God I exhaust myself.

Music: Traffic
Mood: Grumpy

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