Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lost and found, city bound in my dreams

Are we the waiting/St. Jimmy is a great reflection of character - the quiet, half poetic introspection and reflection, against attitude and those cheeky, give 'em hell tendencies.


My tutor had that look in his eye when he looked at me today, the one they tend to get once they've read something I've submitted for workshopping in my writing classes...the one where they realise I am actually competent. Then I pitched my idea to the class and they all looked at me sort of stunned. I always feel slightly vinidicated when this happens cause they realise I'm not as useless as they think I am. We were workshopping another girl's piece, fantasty, and she said something like "so he falls in love with this girl" and completely randomly the guy sitting next to me (he always sits with Ally and I) turns to me and says "why must it always be a girl, why can't he be gay? That never happens. It doesn't have to be obvious or anything but hey, then it'll be different." I sat there nodding and wondering why he'd chosen to make such a comment, let alone to me. Of course, I'm quite the perfect person to make such a comment to, but it was just unexpected *shrugs*

I left early to go on a final Halloween scavenge. On the way, I came across a busker singing 'Sex on fire' but he had changed the chorus to "You, you're Jessica Alba." Not sure why. Ah the city, always amusing. I gave up eventually, and just got a military trench from a costume shop. The girl looked at me like I was insane because apparantly it's going to be a nice, toasty 36 tomorrow. So while I originally settled on just going with the Captain Jack Harkness thing for lack of another idea, now it's more of a half-assed-attempt-to-not-die-of-heat-stroke-while-pretending-to-be-a-doctor-who-character thing.

"You are so obtuse."
There is a character that says that in something...hmmm...can't remember who or what or where though. I hate it when that happens.

Oh and to continue my puzzling over fanfiction from the other night, you know what really preplexes me...people who write themselves into their fics. Usually teen girls. I understand wanting to be part of something (only too well sadly), but I think it's very weird to write yourself into an existing story. It doesn't feel authentic.

I found this absolutely NERDTASTIC site the other night while googling Space Whales (don't ask, I get geekier by the day), and it's just so amusing and so us. Today I came across a bit under 'Genre Savvy' that sounds completely like something I'd say - And they've seen enough Horror movies to know that when there's an ax murderer on the loose, the last thing you want to do is either split up, boink your significant other, or investigate strange noises in the Sinister Subway. I was also particularly pleased with the 'Idiot Ball' section - A moment where a character's stupidity fuels an episode, or a small plot line. If the character does this the entire time then the character is Too Dumb To Live, if multiple characters have the Idiot Ball it becomes an Idiot Plot - especially with it's reference to Peter Petrelli - Peter's first memorable action way back at the start of the series is to see if he can fly... by jumping off a tall building. This troper considers Peter to have been consistently portrayed as an idiot. Of course, he's also the most powerful character on the show,and also, the season one finale had him standing around looking panicky as he was about to go nuclear, completely forgetting that he had the power of flight. Thank you, that's excatly what I was thinking! If Sylar can multi-task than so can he. Huffs.

I'm only doing this to distract myself.

Meanwhile, back in the real world where people's main concern is not the suckiness of their Halloween costume, Roze quit her job thinking she had another one lined which has now fallen through rendering her in financial crisis; Em has worried us all and is currently MIA, not responding to any of our texts; and David Tennant has quit Doctor Who.

Well done universe, well fucking done.

Music: Are we the waiting - Green Day
Mood: Worried


  1. That Sex On Fire thing was one of the funniest things I have ever heard. Cue full on hysterical laughter at work!

    You should tell the boy in your class that he should meet your friend Abbi who is constantly lamenting, "why can't I write a STRAIGHT love story!" Although I suppose Lucy Gray has temporarily stilled my endless capacity for homoerotic melodrama. (How's that for a sentence of destiny?)

  2. Haha sentence of destinty indeed. I sort of wanted to pat him on the back and welcome him into the fold.
