Thursday, October 23, 2008

What do you have to say for yourself?

Holy crap but my parents can get on my nerves. I think my father is now officially not talking to me because I did not have time to stand around making pointless small talk when I stopped at home earlier. I quite frankly do not have the energy to get into arguments with my parents at the moment, I simply do not care enough. Also, there are gale force winds out there, if he can't figure out it was the wind blowing the door shut and not me slamming it, that's not my problem. I don't have the fucking patience for this clingy bullshit. Seriously, I'm running late and I've got enough to think about, the last thing I want to worry about is having to call my parents and tell them that I've caught a later train and will be ten minutes late. Oh my god a whole ten minutes, the world must be ending. It's not even their fucking problem, I get home, grab some stuff, and go to work. How does this in any way even effect them? If there was something wrong I'd fucking call, wouldn't I? The weather is psychotic, people are annoying fuckers, and I don't want to stand around trying to call them while getting blown off the platform. Days like this are just shit and it all adds up to running late. That. Is. It. I was late. Big deal. Jesus. And they're still fucking calling me! Just leave me alone! Must I alert them to all my movements? I am nearly twenty one, I can look after myself, I don't harrass them all the fucking time! It's more like "Huh, you're late", "yep". End of story. Its my father, he's a nutcase. If he gets any more clingy I will be forced to get a stun gun. It will drive me MAD.

I'm actually quite pissed off. Especially considering that they're now mad at me, for nothing! Just because I didn't inform them of this miniscule pointless detail of a generally shit day, suddenly its a big deal. A betrayal of trust or some other parental blackmailing tool, probably something along the lines of "we just love you and want to be a part of your life but you don't want to talk to us." No, I do not want to talk to you about missing my train. Sometimes I do, but today I didn't. I just wanted to sit on the platform listening to Max Bemis rant while reading my book and trying not to freeze, without it resulting in some sort of one sided argument. If I wanted to talk to you about it, if indeed I felt it was necessary to talk about it, I would have called. Gah!

Honestly why must everything be a big fucking production? This would never be an issue if I lived by myself. I'd be running late and there'd be no one to notice or care and unconciously make it worse.

Don't even get me started on what a huge waste of time these remaining classes are...

Ugh. I need a holiday.

Music: Admit It - Say Anything
Mood: Frustrated

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