Why did I teach him that word?
The possible closure of the iTunes store does not exactly fill me with joy. I don't use the store very often, it's true, but it's nice to know it's there with my copious amounts of store credit, should I not be able to find what I'm looking for or just need something new. I also enjoy being an idiot and just looking at stuff. Internet window shopping is one of my major issues...just this afternoon I trawled ebay and amazon. It's fun, but it's also frustrating since I do not particularly like waiting for things I want. But I'm supposed to be saving so I can get my car registration done, and also pay my bills and Oreo's accomodation while I am overseas. This leaves me with very little "spending money" but here's hoping I survive. How did I go from discussing the iTunes store to rambling about saving?
I still haven't given Roze her birthday present and her birthday was in the first week of August. I am a wonderful friend. I suppose I should burn her some cds before I head over there...perhaps tomorrow. We'll see how apathetic I feel. Oh crap, I better not be too apathetic, I still haven't started my script. It's only six days, it's still good, it's still good. It's just a little airborne, it's still good, it's still good.
I never learn.
I am currently contemplating whether to join Quickflix, or at the very least try their free trial. It's an online DVD rental company that offer a number of monthly options for you to hire a select number of dvds during the month, with no late fees or such. I think I'd probably be better off with the 4 DVDs a month (2 at a time) plan since I don't really have that much free time, but watching 2 dvds a week or so isn't beyond me. I have never been a big renter, preferring to buy my stuff, but hey, they rent out tv shows. Guess I will have to discuss it with the parental unit.
Lizzie has lent me her copy of Heroes season 1 so I can finally join the band wagon...so far I've only watched the first five episodes (I think) on the Sci-Fi channel but then I got distracted. This always happens when it comes to television. Lately I've taken a shine to getting the seasons, then I don't have to worry about that. Speaking of, Dad and I finished Jericho today. Woe. I love that show, why they must always cancel the good ones, I do not know. Though I suppose it wouldn't have worked if they drew it out. I havent watched the alternate ending for the last ep yet, so there's at least one small thing to hold on too.
On that note, I'm stealing one of Abbi's features in the form of my obsession of the week. The first obsession goes to *drum roll please* Doctor Who. Yes, I admit defeat. Doing nothing but watch a show for about 6 hours straight will do that to you. I first caught an episode of the British cult sci-fi show about a year ago. It was 'The Quiet Undead' episode with Charles Dickens, and Christopher Eccleston as the ninth doctor. I was rather intrigued by it all, but never caught an episode again and didn't actively think to pursue it. A little while ago, Lizzie got into the show, and fell in love with it as you do, so the next time I noticed it as I channel hopped, I actually stopped to watch it. And then I had to watch the next one...and the next one...long story short, Doctor Who season 2 marathon ensued. I much prefer David Tennant in the role though, I'm sure it's why I'm more taken with it this time around. Too bad acquiring the seasons verge on blatant extortion. That's right, take advantage of the nerds.
[image © jennicat5]
Anyway, enough time wasting for one day methinks.
Music: Desert Song - My Chemical Romance
Mood: Contemplative
Obsession, my dear, is what you and I are good at. When are they going to have an obsession Olympics?