Friday, January 9, 2009

Do you like to hurt?

Here follows Jen's random post of no point or purpose other than amusing herself. It all started with a quote from Firefly:

Mal: Well, look at this! Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoe: Big damn heroes, sir!
Mal: Ain't we just?

As I was googling that scene, the lovely Trope Wiki put in an appearance. I LOVE THIS WEBSITE! God, it’s just so nerdy and hilarious and, oh did I mention, nerdy!

Abandoned By The Cavalry is a subtype where the Big Damn Heroes should have been there in the first place and are only redeeming themselves now. When the Big Damn Heroes come in with a massive gunship or other vehicle with intimidating firepower (see BFG), it is a Big Damn Gunship. In the event that the Big Damn Heroes just show up in some relatively dramatic manner and clear a path for the hero to get to whatever they need to go, usually during an air battle, it's the I Got You Covered subtype. Commonly awesome.


Oh, oh, if you follow the link to the BFG [Big Fucking Gun haha] and then have a look at the Doctor Who example:
According to DW writings, the Special Weapons Daleks are said to be even nuttier and more homicidal than your garden variety Dalek due to exposure to the BFG's radiation output. Which makes them rolling (and possibly levitating) Daleks of Mass Destruction.

Daleks of Mass Destruction! Hahaha.

And in the same section - Jack Harkness, of both Doctor Who and Torchwood has always been fond of them. His weapon of choice is a modified defabricator that is the size of a minigun. Come on, he only uses that once! [John Hart also appears to have one…that Time Agency was clearly a bit weird.] Jack does however seem quite fond of the truly big fucking gun they somehow aquire by season 2, which is also the one he uses in ‘The Stolen Earth’.

Then there's something called the woobie…hm, true enough about Lex, I never watched a lot of Smallville but I’ve seen enough to see what they’re getting at. Oh and look, both Ten, Donna and Ianto get mentioned! Oh and the Ood - The Ood are more or less a race of alien woobies.

Ok, ok I'll stop. I can't help wondering if my screenwriting tutor is aware of this site? And yes I am a nerd. That is why this website amuses me as much as it does. It's a never ending supply of glee!

Speaking of glee, Merlin is totally gleetastic *nods fervently*

I have been disturbingly happy as of late. I’m all glee this and glee that. It’s bizarre. And not very eloquent. Hm.

Anyway, should probably make some vague attempt to do something at least. Like cleaning out my room. Ugh. But it has to be done damn it, and soon!

Music: Lover I don't have to love - Bright Eyes
Mood: Amused

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