Currently camped out on my uni's couches. It may lack in many things, but one thing it's always brought to the party is comfortable couches.
My mother hasn't responded to my email asking if I may purchase a Hugo Boss suit. I wonder why? *sarcastic snort* It's a very nice suit, and it's on sale! The jacket is only $499. I have decided I'm buying a suit. Not that one obviously, but there's a nice Tokito one that's quite cheap, though it doesn't look it. I've spent my morning shopping, if that's not blatantly obvious. Myer most of the time. There are these shoes that I'm in love with. They're tartan! I'll see if I can find a pic when I'm on an actual computer. Roze was trying to convince me to buy them (she came to have a quick look on her way to work). Em for her part was trying to convince me to buy a Hugo Boss trench via text (it was also on sale)...clearly my friends are a terrible influence. I quote; "Come on, us three are the worst at saving!" Sad, but true.
I'm loving all the tartan and military stuff that's in this season. Gorgeous. There's also a verrrry nice leather jacket at Portmans that the sales staff were trying to persuade me into getting. Luckily its quite expensive, otherwise...well, you know me, I'm easily persuaded. In the end I only bought a scarf, purple tartan tights, and a Tokito top for work. Oh and Everything is Illuminated. Glee! Grandfather informs me that this is not possible.
When purchasing the latter at JB, I got distracted by this shop that sells silk ties. Hmmmm silk ties. It compliments the suit fetish *stupid grin*
Workwise, everything has gone to hell. I was thinking how nice it was that I won't have to rush to and from work this semester, and as I had two days off, I could even paint my nails all weird and wonderful colours (currently turqoise). Thanks to the class reshuffling, work has done some reshuffling this morning to try and fit me in, which means I can work Thursday mornings still, but I'll also have to work Tuesday and Wednesday. Suddenly I have no day off anymore! Not only that, but I'll have to tell work I have to leave early Tues & Wed, since I need to be in the city by I'll lose about an hour on each shift. I've decided there's no point running around trying to get changed or such, so I guess from now on it's Corporate Me all the time. Epic. Sigh. Which brings us back to the shopping, I want proper corporate clothes if I'm going to be in them all the time. Thus the need for a suit. Also need a skirt, maybe a dress or two. And shoes! This is by far the most pressing concern.
Oh, I weep for my sanity.
I just realised I look like a total label whore today. Its just Levis this and Jag that, and electronic devices of all description.
Just found out Hype has those Who converse. Must check them out on Sunday...
Twenty minutes till class. Woe. Nearly paralysed with apprehension. Damn you social anxiety!
I hope I don't need books or anything, I can't be bothered with the stuff. I couldn't see anything about readers, but then I could just be blind. Wouldn't be the first time.
Music: Time+To+Pretend - MGMT
Mood: Anxious

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