I've done a 180 back to going to London again instead of LA. For one thing, I have more time to save. And I should theoretically actually have enough to do it. Theoretically being the key word here. This latest change of mind occured mostly because its snowing like mad there atm. Snowing! And even though snow is just glorified rain, I still have an innocent fascination and glee for it that comes from minimal exposure. Its a novelty and it makes London seem like the more magical option. Not that it'll be snowing when I go, but that's not really the point. I can also justify this whole madness as a legitimate trip for the benefit of my future (career). It could be like a screenwriting weekend! We could do work, and discuss, and listen to professionals etc etc. Aren't I clever...don't answer that.
Anyway, sticking to this nonsense with my wanderlust, I've been thinking about my end of year trip. Don't think I'll do the whole prolonged trip that was originally planned. Currently considering New York then Chicago (for christmas...despite it's Planet Hoth qualities). Or if I get a round trip ticket perhaps San Fran - Chicago - New York - London - home?
Then the next year, Canada. The year after...well who knows. Perhaps another Europe tour, Austria and Germany. Maybe with a mid-year break to Japan thrown in somewhere.
I only get discount travel till I'm 26. I figure I should make the most of it, and especially before I start a proper job...whatever that may be.
I'm very weird you know. Most people feel more settled once they've been away. Me? I just keep wanting more. I guess essentially I'm just greedy.
In case all this rambling isn't clear, work is exceedingly boring. Even though we are really busy, I don't have much to do other than come up with half-baked schemes and nurse this headache. I blame the heat quite frankly, and airconditioing, it's making me nauseous. So yes, it's still hot as hell with no end in sight, and I don't understand why there are this many sick people here. Everyone is extra grumpy too. All I want to do is rest my head on my desk here, it's so nice and cool...
Music: A symphony of coughing and sniffing (in four parts)
Mood: Grumpy

COME! COME! COME! COME!...repeat...
ReplyDeleteYou are a terrible influence.