I spent my night comatose on the couch watching Life on Mars which is every bit as good as they tell you it is. It’s depressing but funny, and overall really well done. There's also the added bonus of John Simm in a suit for the first episode. Glee. Yes, I have issues.

Oh wait. Wrong series. *evil smirk*
[For the record, these aren't mine, they're from here and here. I’m far too impatient to make my own graphics.]
Meanwhile, we were so busy at work today I barely had time to breathe. Screaming children, nauseous children, people with headaches and borderline heat stroke. Every person grumpier than the last. It’s too much, I tells ya. I only got out of there at twenty to one. Funny moment though. I had a Frenchman on the phone at one point and he actually said “oo la la” when I told him we were booked out, I nearly died from the cliché cuteness of it all.
Hm. I get book of the day updates from google and let me tell you, they’re completely insane. Yesterday it was something to do with soil and geology, today it’s “Josephus, the Bible, and History.” I though they were going to give me proper books, like NY Times best seller list books or new releases or something. Fail, google.
But anyway. Continuing my trend of loving things that are way out of my price range, see these boots.

Drool. I think may have to go try them on...they look amazing.
I have a major television scheduling conflict of interest I must somehow sort out for tonight. Tuesdays are the only night I really watch TV but ratings are back on, so NCIS is conflicting with my fandom indulgence. Logic says go with NCIS, but my heart says vegetate and watch things you've already seen a thousand times. Oh speaking of, Torchwood season 2 on UKTV tonight, 9.30, watch it. It has awkward Jack, unimpressed Ianto, and the rise of the awesomeness that is John Hart – “the odd kill, who does it hurt?” Also, it has the added sadistic thrill of injured Owen and almost-dead Gwen. Oh, oh, and it has the automotive love of my life in it. I do so lust after those Crossfires.
That’s my plug for the day. I do however also recommend 'The Big Bang Theory' because it's hilarious and (sadly) reminds me of some of my conversations.
Oscar Wilde once said that “we live in an age when unnecessary things are our only necessities.”
Huh. That is so true. When having an argument with mum and the IT guys about camping (because Mac went camping with a bunch of his friends and their girlfriends in the middle of nowhere, and it all sounded suspiciously “wilderness survival" to me so I was saying the only way he’d ever get me out there was to dump my cold, dead body, thanks.) I was pointing out that I don’t have anything against nature or peace and quiet, in fact I am all for that, but I just don’t see why I should give up my basic necessities for it. Surely these things don’t have to be mutually exclusive. They pointed out that mobile phones and laptops aren’t basic necessities, but excuse me, what century is this? Besides, I think it’s quite disrespectful to have that attitude. If our ancestors went through the trouble to invent these things, the least we can do is show our respect by using them. It’s the polite thing to do. *nods vehemently*
All everyone seems to be doing is blogging about snow. I’m having serious snow envy! Send some to us if you don’t want it, we could do with a break.
I have solemnly resolved not to launch into an epic rant about sites that restrict viewing to the country of origin...solemnly resolved….grrr. Instead I’m going to go charge my GPS…off on a road trip to Palm Beach tomorrow.
Music: Gives you hell -The All American Rejects
Mood: Hot, blah.

The boots are impressive!
ReplyDeleteAren't they just amazing? They cost the same as my hypothetical plane tickets would...