I'm contemplating shooting myself in the foot just to distract myself from the utter chaos and madness my neighbourhood has descended into. My neighbour is playing some atrocious hiphop and r'n'b at an eardrum-shattering volume - my windows are rattling. What I can see from my peeking, it appears to be a house party. Now why you need to play music loudly enough for the whole block to hear you when the people are only in your backyard is beyond me. He even has a loud speaker, so he is constantly telling the "ladies" to "get on the floor". It wouldn't be so bad if he was playing half way decent music, but I mean come on, "drop it like it's hot"? How old is that? And it was never good, even when it was in, it was terrible (it's the clicking noises, can't stand it). I'm not wholly anti-r'n'b, I just prefer it at a stupidly catchy level, or at one I can ignore without it threatening to tear a hole in my sanity. This repetitive stuff he's playing is just...blah. At least play 'Low' or 'Let it rock' or something that doesn't completely make my ears bleed. Hell, I'd settle for T.I...or Chris Brown! I wonder if he's taking requests...oh god no, now he's playing Chingy. I really want to shoot myself now.
Oh wait, small mercies! Skipped to 'Let it Rock' now...and it's not too loud so I only hear the good bit, not Lil Wayne's deranged rapping which appears just to be throwing nonsensical words out there and completely ruins the song. Ignoring the "rapping", I really do like this though...another one of those "I should know better" moments.
How lame am I? Twenty one years old on a Saturday night and I'm complaining about my neighbours music being too loud. Go me.
I spent the evening in the company of people I have nothing in common with making forced, polite chit chat, and feeling awkward. I'm sorry if I'm not in the mood for your assortment of sleazy anthems and gangster rap. Really, it was so awkward. Words cannot express. It's this weird clash of superiority complexes where everyone thinks they're better than everyone else. We got out of there after a respectable time had passed. I felt we did our duty - stayed two hours, spent time with the birthday girl, and we brought a present. What more could they possibly want from us? I think it's generally considered that we're bitchy to leave like that, but as the classic line goes, 'Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.'
High school was four years ago. Let's leave it there. I didn't like talking to these people then, why would it suddenly be any better? At least I felt good though. I wore the Panic dress.
Huh. Perhaps I should fight fire with fire here? See who gives up first...what shall work best, AC/DC? Linkin Park? Something loud. Oh, what about Metallica? *eyes cd collection speculatively*
Oh no. Kanye. It's enough to make you weep. I can't sit here anymore. I'm going to go watch 'The girl in the fireplace' and hopefully they'll have shut up by the time I'm done.
Someone please save me from the wee turtles!
Music: Is this Busta Rhymes?? Oh come on, who takes him seriously anymore?
Mood: Annoyed

Jesus, where did your quote come from? Depressing yes. True also!
I have a similar stance towards R'nB, in which I don't actually want to track down the anthropomorphic personification of it and slash its head off like I do with Emo, but I do want to give it a nice clap round the ears or something.
The annoying thing about being still in High School is that you can see these people don't go away in later life, my mother deals with them in adult form and they don't seem that different to when they recently said loudly in Biology the other day "Who is this Charles Darwin guy?"*
*Usually i can deal with ignorance, because I'm ignorant alot of the time, but seriously, Yr11 Biology and you have not come across Charles Darwin yet...frick man.
Rise Against... no no, Alexisonfire. I am so overtired it's not even funny. The last time I slept was Thursday... for 5 1/2 hours cos I was chatting to Lyndon... who is getting to me...
ReplyDeleteI have my own Doctor... he is only 5in tall but he is my own... Lyndon is a bad man he took me to Forbidden Planet!
Which quote would this be? The 'Frankly my dear I don't give a damn' one? That's from Gone with the Wind, the very last line of the film in fact. 'Save me from the wee turtles' is also a qoute, but it's from The Simpsons and thus doesn't really have the same effect :P
ReplyDeleteAs you have no doubt noticed, I'm generally quite tolerant of emo. This is mostly because I was into it before all the bands sounded the same and the scene was petulant and annoying. Old habits die hard. I try to be as open minded as I can when it comes to music, so thats where the r'n'b tolerance comes from but sometimes, it's very hard to supress those homicidal urges.
This is the first time I have seen these High School people since graduation. Except for a few randoms here and there, I generally haven't had any contact...I doubt I'll see any of them again, unless there's a HS reunion I'm dragged to. So there is some hope for later life. It's not that I hate these people or anything, I just have nothing in common with them. I am indifferent!
"What a cosmic joke, Eye Candy. An accident of chemicals and evolution. The jokes, the sex - just to cover the fact that nothing means anything. And the only consolation is money."
ReplyDeletethat-r one.
Oh, and I don't hate those kind of people, I just hate the kind of situations they put me in, and the agnonising awkwardness that comes about from said situations. And it is a bit depressing when you realise that some people have no interest in the outside world, well other than how it relates to them.
OOOH right. Sorry. I am an idiot. Too many quotes and too little sleep. That's from Torchwood season 2, first episode. I love it - it's very apt.
ReplyDeleteYou are exactly right re: the people. It's always the akwardness that overhwelms me and sends me running for the nearest dark hole to crawl into. I often feel like they occupy an entirely different alien world that I simply cannot understand.