Yesterday was complete and utter mayhem. It all started because it was overcast when I picked Em up. We pretty much wrote off Palm Beach then and there, besides the Weather Channel said it was raining (I suspect it's a dirty, rotten liar, but whatever.) So we spent the morning lying about Roze's place, catching up, trading gossip, the usual. Hunger eventually forced us off to Eastgardens in search of all-day breakfast. We seem to have a penchant for all-day breakfasts. Some shopping was had, and there was harrassment of General Pants staff (the guy later called us twice while we were at the beach, much to everyone's amusement I'm sure. Well, I think he was greatly amused by our insanity. I, for one, thought his facial expressions when dealing with Roze was priceless). We headed to the beach after this, well bay really more than the beach.

It was so lovely. We entertained young children, diners in a nearby restuarant, and greatly perplexed the few other people who had been enjoying their peace and quiet prior to our arrival. We took a hell of a lot of random photos, made sand constructions, danced, indulged in stunt fighting, chased each other about, and in general acted like tools. It was fun. Eventually we were completely exhausted by all this sun and madness, so we scooted up under Em's tiny rain umbrella and tried not to die of heat stroke. This amused some people at the beach greatly, one lady even asked us if we weren't too crowded under there. It just reminded me of school and how we used to spend our lunch times in the exact same way. Anyway, we were lamenting not really being prepared for the beach as the water looked very inviting and to make up for it we have resolved to head back there tomorrow, beach gear in tow. Huzzah. I'll do a better job with the sunscreen this time. While I didn't get badly burnt yesterday, it was still faintly red and we have a cocktail 21st party to go to on Satuday, I'd rather not be medium to well-done.
After this we took off for Moore Park for milkshakes, markets and movies. Air conditioning! Joy! We saw Slumdog Millionaire, which is every bit as good as they tell you even though it completely depressed me. I feel that's why they added the song in the end, just to make it seem a bit easier to bear. I had my *woe face* on for most of it while threatening Roze with my water bottle to try and get her to tell me what happens - futile attempts as it were. I have to say though, while I appreciate the symmetry and the story arc, I feel the last question was far too easy to be the final question on 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?'
We headed back to Roze's place as night settled in and sprawled out on the couch watching reality tv. We ventured outside again only to get dinner and eventually Em and I had to head home around 10. So we did literally spend the entire day together, even if we didn't end up taking that long overdue road trip. One day we will actually get there.
The sun and beach always makes me lazy so I slept like a log. It was absolute bliss. I only managed to drag myself out of bed sometime before twelve, only to upload some photographic evidence of our stupidity and nearly being late for work. Really lazy and peaceful.
Right now I'm writing something Amped based and feeling's not really a flash since I haven't used a prompt. Just something I felt like writing while at work.
Right now though, chinese food beckons!
P.S. I just caught the start of the US version of Life on Mars. Sheesh. I understand why they redid it now, they had to make it more obvious *shakes head* The acting has got nothing on the first one. It reminds me of when my cousins and I used to reenact things. Final thought - John Simm kicks ass. C'est tout.
Music: Desolation Row - My Chemical Romance
Mood: Loved

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