Friday, June 5, 2009

Everybody has their reasons

Ok, I know I have been going on, and on, and on, about this for what must easily be the last two months or so, and I sound like a broken record even to myself, but I'll just say this now and try not mention it again - I think someone at the BBC has royally fucked up this 'Children of Earth' thing. This whole airdate business has been ludicrous really. I mean hell, now the US even have a DVD release date, and yet they persist in not actually giving the UK a TV airdate. This wouldn't be such a problem if not for the fact that everything seems to have been prepped for a June release. I do mean everything. All the press is coming out, and there are spoilers bloody everywhere. If this is the last Torchwood I will ever get, I want to experience it completely without having it ruined by spoilers and shitty planning. If I'm losing one of the major loves of my life, can we at least do it in a way where I feel less fucked over (and not in a good way)? Is that really too much to ask?. It's just frustrating. It may seem like a clever marketing tool to keep people on their toes, but it's bloody anticlimatic. You can build anticipation with a release date you know (I'm sure Harry Potter made this abundantly clear...and LOTR come to think of it.)

It's no doubt translating into bad karma.

Yes, I did just say that.

Moving on to the other fandom love of my life, giiiiigs! There be gigs to go to! Lovely, lovely gigs *snuggles* I've got my Anberlin/TAI tickets this morning, will be getting Manchester Orchestra ones soon, and possibly attending the FBi Fundraiser show on Monday and Yves Klein Blue next month. Then considering we have new TBS and Green Day albums, with MCR and Brand New due, I'm sure there will be lots of great gigs scheduled for the end of the year and next year. One can only hope.

Tomorrow I'm spending the day at the State Library with Roze. We shall both be yawning, moaning, and tearing our hair out over research for our dreaded theses (thesisis? thesai?) of Doom. We brought it upon ourselves.

For the random aspect of this blog, I took a 'Which book are you?' quiz on Facebook the other day and find my result to be quite hilarious...I am the Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe apparantly, here's the description: -
People are afraid of you. You are creepy, scary, dark, and occasionally insane. On the other hand, those who know you are more than willing to get over your creepy side (often, your friends are rather like you, in that sense) because they know you have a lot to offer. You are concise in your speech, and you can always tell a story exactly the way you saw it. You get things done, no matter what sorts of obstacles there may be. Lots of people know you, but are either turned away by your reputation, or drawn to it like magnets. You are a very deep thinker, with the ability to present a new side of things very quickly. Your weakness is guilt. You aren't the worst of your kind (there are much creepier) and you have a strange mysterious allure.


Okay okay. Nerd out.

Edit: Just found out there's been some terrible luck going around for some of the TW actors. You see, bad karma! But no, I don't mean to be flippant - 'get well soon' to the injured, and my most sincere sympathies to the other.

Music: I can barely breathe - Manchester Orchestra
Mood: Procrastinating, duh.

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