The word chaotic doesn't even begin to cover the week I've had.
Where did I last leave off? Ah yes, graduation. Well I have to say that went a lot better than I expected. It was actually kinda fun to see all the randoms again like Emo Boy and Mohawk Boy. I even roped the latter, lost and unsuspecting, into line with us. I made plans to hang with Ally, took photos, and made silly Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings jokes with Lizzie. They dress you in a robe after all, ringwraith and Voldemort jokes are unavoidable. "Robe me!" indeed. It only went for 90minutes, and though it is essentially just an extended roll call, it wasn't nearly as boring as I had expected. My parents were really happy, which is nice since I did it for them. Mum actually cried, which never happens. It was quite sweet really. We were all just so tired after all the painting and cleaning that it kind of took some of the shine off the evening. We just wanted to collapse somewhere. But as they say, all's well that end's well.
The rest of the week was dedicated purely to the completion of the painting job of doom, and Saturday we actually started moving the furniture in. I've been sleeping here since. Since there is no enclosed area outside and I don't have a kennel for her, Oreo has been sleeping in my room with me. I think she's enjoying it. Considering what obscene times I usually go to bed and what obscene time my dad gets up, she was only really sleeping outside for perhaps 3 hours a night. Whatever. I think her only problem is that I may or may not be kicking her if she gets on the bed during the night. Sometimes I toss and turn a lot *shrugs*
Yesterday and early hours of this morning was spent finishing a really half-assed version of that godforsaken Proust essay. I really can't keep dragging it out and figured it was better that I at least submit something. Of course, the tutor wasn't there today. Epic. Sigh. Then again it's not like I printed it to submit it, in all the madness I've failed to notice that I'm out of ink. Mandy took our class for an hour just talking about our creative pieces and so, as everyone else dispersed to no doubt do uni work, I went shopping. Of course. Ended up buying two sweater dress type things from Sportsgirl and tights. God I love tights. I actually wear my skirts and dresses thanks to them and it gives some colour to my wardrobe. Next to Starbucks Mint Hot Chocolates, they almost make winter worth it. Almost. I ran into someone from mum's work while milling around drooling over shoes in Myer, felt very grown up standing around in my work clothes with shopping bags talking to a colleague. Oh, total random moment earlier though, as I caught my reflection in a revolving door coming down Pitt street with my black vest and purple long sleeved shirt rolled up to the elbows, I couldn't help giggling to myself and think that I was channeling my inner Ianto. You know, because it's sorta like what he wears in 'Captain Jack Harkness', the episode where angry!Ianto is angry and shoots Owen and generally just looks fucking hot.

Yes, these are the things that amuse me.
Speaking of, had everyone giggling at mum's work yesterday. I was over there using their internet and geeking out with the IT department while trying to do my Proust essay, and everyone kept stealing my Doctor Who key chain to "exterminate" and "upgrade" people. Even today they kept making me press the "Exterminate!" button and then we'd all giggle. Being geeky is such fun.
Anyway, busy schedule for the week. IKEA and more clearing up tomorrow, Presentation and movie with Ally Thursday, Friday involves work, Wolverine with the girls followed by Danny's gig. Possibly Star Trek on Saturday. Yay for socialness!
Now random things I've wanted to mention:
1) Why does 13 on House get to go to Chase's bachelor party...I mean just because she's bi? Does that mean she gets to go to the hen's night as well? That hardly seems fair. Actually, I loved how House sent her and Foreman to choose the strippers. It was quite amusing. She is very pretty though, almost as gorgeous as Katie McGrath, but not quite...don't get me started.

2) New season of Numb3rs finally started! Larry is made of win. End of.
3) I'm covered in so many cuts and bruises that I look like the victim of some sort of domestic abuse. It's terrible. I don't mind the visuals so much, I just wish my muscles would stop aching. I mean hell, my hands hurt. I can barely touch my steering wheel. For this I blame the paint roller.
4) Merlin got obscenely high ratings for its first episode and I hope this continues. I really can't stress enough how adorkable that show is.
5) I read a completely random Mat Devine interview from 06 which had some classic Mat moments I feel I need to share -
Mat: (interrupting) Dude! I just found myself wandering around - I'm now in a closet filled with wine! Boxes and boxes of wine!
Mat: My greatest fear is being in a car crash.
Interviewer: Oh really?
Mat: Yeah. So that's like...if a shark attack was your biggest fear and being put in a shark tank every day.
Interviewer: So, who does most of the driving then?
Mat: We do it. Dan does.
Interviewer: Wouldn't you feel more secure if you were?
Mat: No, I just take Xanax and Ambien.
Interviewer: I could see how that would help
Interviewer: One day you wake up and you're president of the United States, what are the first three things you would do?
Mat: Ok number one, take over Canada.
Interviewer: Why Canada?
Mat: Cause it's there! It's right next to us and it freaks me out!
Mat, you are insane, I love you.
6) Music is so much more fun again now that I'm no longer so emotionally invested in the people behind it. Always give the music the benefit of the doubt
7) My thoughts midway through the move was that this was a lot like Frodo's journey, except in reverse. I am going from Mordor to the Shire. And yes, I am officially a hobbit now. Too bad really, I would have picked Rivendell if given the choice.
8) Overheard at work today, unimpressed older lady to her husband while reading a Woman's Weekly or some such anout a celebrity wedding, "I don't think your great grandmother would have worn a dress like that!"
9) Folie A Deux really is brilliant. Everyday I have a different song in my head. It's fantastic. My least favourite song on the album is probably 'America's Suitehearts' and that's saying something. I skip nothing when listening to it, and I've continually listened to it for most of the duration of the move. I haven't done that since...well since From Under the Cork Tree. People always put pop-punk down as being trivial and easy, but it really isn't. It has so many layers and above all it's fun and catchy. I could go on but I'm too tired to write an essay on the values of popular music.
10) It's not even really winter yet and already I'm as dried out as a piece of fruit left in the sun. Moisturize me! Moisturize me!
Oh and also, tweet of the day goes to the zany James Moran for saying "I *am* a squeeing fangirl!" in response to someone else. Frank Iero also gets a special mention for the following: "The quote "the future's so bright, I gotta wear shades" should only describe the lifestyle of either a teenage vampire or doing tons of coke". Oh Frank *pats*
Now I shall digress and retreat to the couch for some Torchwood, tea, and an early night. I think I've earned it.
Music: For Reasons Unknown - The Killers
Mood: Sore

*snort* holy bellcats. Brilliant.