Sunday, May 3, 2009

I'm Merlin but most people just call me idiot

I'm watching Merlin again, and oh, how it makes me glee. It premiered on Aussie tv tonight, I'm hoping people watch it. I have established that I definitely have a thing for Morgana though. She's just so gorgeous. Sigh.

The house is in a state of complete chaos. I'm meant to be packing up my books and such but haven't gotten round to it yet. I have however finished my creative piece for cultural studies. That's a plus. Now just waiting for some feedback and then I can email it to the tutor. Still have that damned Proust essay to do and next week my first culutral studies presentation. Oh how I loathe presentations. It's on Ethnoscapes. What fun.

Have very little to report really. I have no internet and a lot of things are disconnected as my dad keeps pulling wires out. Not only does it make productivity impossible, but it also inteferes with procrastination. It'll be a relief just to get this all over and done with, and get back to normal.

From Jasper, with love.
[[Power and speed and death rolled into one]]

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