Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Doesn't sit or stay

My graduation day is turning out much like every other major day in the last 10 years of my life. Do own make up, do own hair, strap self into dress with extreme flexibility, end up sitting in Starbucks alone drinking coffee. People always seem perplexed that I am able to be so solitary, but do you see, it is just my life.

I want to break a large plate.

I had to come into the city at 1 to meet with my supervisor. I wanted to reschedule but my mother got all goddamn pedantic about it, so I came. And its so fucking pointless cause I have nothing to say, cause I haven't done any fucking work. Jesus christ I am so damned screwed.

Woah, I sound angry. I wasn't this angry this morning. Then again, I did get up at 6.30, so maybe I was just still asleep. The timing on this house is so completely off, its at the busiest time of the semester, and definitely in one of my downswings. I just want to curl up somewhere and never emerge.

I've been painting most of the time. Painted a ceiling today and have resolved to never, ever do that again. I was completely covered, in fine white dots. I also put the first coat of cream in my room and study, as well doing the two green feature walls in the study. Mum and I have also done the first coat of the dining room, the foyer is completely done. I'm in love with the green for the study though. I wante something really bright that would actually encourage me to be there, and it's perdect. It's called Saxon Green! I had a *glee* moment in Bunnings when I saw it last night. Just imagine - Saxon Green: For all your Master envy needs. I'm tempted to put a framed photo up in a dictator-ish fashion, just to be silly. Tomorrow morning, I'll head out early again and start the red feature wall for my room and second coat of the rest. I should be able to go back after uni and do the second coat then, so I'll be set to start moving in Friday.

I've still got to finish cleaning the kitchen though, I only did half of the cabinents. So grossed out. I think the house has stood empty for a while, it has that smell. I loathe that smell. Luckily the bleach and paint is getting rid of it.

At some point I'll have to get paint for my bathroom too, but I figured I could do that once I've moved in.

Whoever had what will be our spare room was definitely a rock boy. There is a coheed & cambria sticker on the door. Also, the garage has been soundproofed (and painted blue *sigh*). In other words, band practice occurred there. I've been unceremoniously booted from the garage since my dad seems to think he needs it for "work space".

Can you believe these rooms are even smaller than the one I'm in now? I mean come on, who designs these places? Ah well. At least I get a study. And more closet room.

I definitely need to go to IKEA. Groan. I need an extention for my study desk, a new desk chair, a full length mirror (yes Abs, happy now?), possibly an arm chair and/or entire new bedroom set. Ok the last one is getting out of hand, but I think I'm due for a new bed at some point this year.

All that (and my sore muscles and sleep deprived self) aside, I'm currently sitting in Starbucks, painting my nails. As predicted, my meeting with Mandy only took about twenty minutes. She must think I'm such an idiot. I really need to sort out something to send her. Ugh. Seriously kill me. Sigh. I now have to kill time until 4 when I have to report at the graduation desk. I figured I could leave here at 3, and camp out in a uni bathroom to touch up my makeup and such. I'm hoping I'm not too casual. God this sucks.

Jasper appears to have white paint on him. Brilliant. Well it might be this supposed cream paint my parents keep going on about...I keep refering to the white paint and they keep saying we don't have any white. I think they're purposely being difficult.

Roze is coming to watch me graduate. She's such a sweetheart. Em couldn't come since I only have 3 tickets. If my parents miss it, I will kill them.

Watch the headlines.

As a parting thought, why do I have this compulsion to always say 'Good, thanks' when people ask how I'm doing?

From Jasper, with love.
[[Power and speed and death rolled into one]]

1 comment:

  1. A girl needs a full-length mirror. It's the law!!!!

    Hope it's a fabulous graduation. I wish I could be there. I am very proud of youuuuuuu!!!!
