First, let's start with American Idol. Oh America, why must you be so so dull and predictable? Did you never for a moment stop and think how amazing it would be to have a black president and a gay idol? It would have done wonders for your image! I am certainly of the opinion that it would have been fantastic, but alas, it was not to be. I have no doubt Adam will have some sort of career regardless though, the boy is brilliant. He just pulls off the craziest shit with such confidence, and is such a convincing performer. He totally outsung everyone when they did 'We are the champions'. He truly made this a fascinating competition, well worth watching just to see what he'd do each week. Here's hoping something comes of it.
Due to my lack of interaction with general mainstream society, I didn't even know about this rumour. These things only happen because they're hot. What interests me more than anything in this is that Chuck's been cast as Heathcliffe! That can only be good. He seems perfect for it. And yes, here continues my long tradition of calling actors by the characters they play. Once it sticks, it sticks. Just ask Cedric.
Today also marks the first day of my new "I can't believe I'm STILL waiting" count. I will be exorcising my airdate demons via this platform. I am also starting a countdown, entitled "Judgement Day", which will be keeping track of the days until my thesis is due. Fun and games.
In other news, it's raining like the armageddon is upon us, and all I want to do is make some pancakes and curl up in bed watching movies. Which I might as well do since it's not like I get any work done sitting here. I just try to fool myself. Sigh. Procrastination, you vile fiend! That said, I did watch the first episode of Castle today, which wasn't bad actually. Nathan Fillion ftw.
Tomorrow night it is 80s movie night at Roze's place. I'm taking Labyrinth and a substantial amount of alcohol. Well I have to, they want me to sit through Footloose and Dirty Dancing.
UKTV are having a Torchwood Season 2 marathon 6/7 June. The ad goes on about the "global Children of Earth event" which I hope means we'll be getting it the same time as the UK. Anyway, it bodes well! I've become progressively more insane the longer I am forced to wait...anyone who knows me can no doubt confirm this. I'm half beginning to suspect it's all a plot for world domination - they drive us mad with anticipation and then they trigger us to take over the world. I'll be sure to warn everyone when I start losing my memory, concealing weapons, or coming home drenched in blood.
Isn't that a nice picture to leave things on?
Hopes for the weekend include completing my presentation, my creative draft, my research, and the Crusaders winning as they have somehow miraculously managed to make it into the semi-finals. Hee.
Music: Rock&Roll Queen - The Subways
Mood: Cold

Chuck as Heathcliffe... PERFECT!!!!