The thought struck as I'm reading a bunch of online news articles about recent celebrity deaths as part of research for my creative piece, and there is one about DJ AM that actually ends with "He last posted a message on Twitter..." and goes on to quote it. It just got me thinking that with Twitter being as prolific as it is, this would probably be the norm from now on, and isn't that a bit strange?
Twitter is so instantaneous that it loses relevance quite quickly, it's a kneejerk reaction to the world around you, a quick impression of your life and its effect on the world. It's imprint on the beach, the kind below the tide that quickly sinks away again. To think that any tweet could be your last, that any inane observation could be taken out of that rapidfire world to be quoted (and kept) as a record of your last words of sorts...that's sort of mind-boggling. I'm tempted to say "Make every tweet count!" but that would defy the point of twitter really. I mean, if I had to be poignant and thoughtful all the time, I would never tweet. I just want to say "om nom brownies" or tell someone about the dog on the corner doing handstands. That said, I'm not famous, so I doubt anyone would really bother quoting Twitter as my last words.
Still an interesting thought though.
Music: You wouldn't like me - Tegan & Sara
Mood: Working
There's a dog on the corner doing handstands? Um... YouTube!! Lol! I jest. The idea of Twitter last words has hit me hard now... *ponderate ponderate*