Monday, August 24, 2009

Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows

I've come to the conclusion the Distirct 9 aliens are the Ood's uncivilized, uglier cousins. Who knew it was possible to be uglier than the Ood?

I have very little to say. I'm beyond tired. I have a meeting with my supervisor tomorrow and I have no idea what I am supposed to talk about since I haven't done any research. I have written over 6,000 words of the creative piece though. That in itself is sort of worrying since I still have to do all the non-linear tie-in material such as twitter updates and media and such, so hopefully I won't crack the 10,000 mark. I can't go that far. I need at least 4,000 for the essay. Anyway, it's only an hour. I'm sure we'll be able to talk about something. We were so busy at work today I barely had time to breathe, only got home at 7 and so work is not high on my list of priorities. But needs must and blah blah. Sigh.

I did actually have a point but I've gotten sidetracked by Good News Week. Speaking of television, Alice Cooper was great on Rove last night. AAR were the musical guests, Tyson was all over the stage, half-clothed and covered in enough glitter for a Mardi Gras float.

How can time be this contrary? How can it seem to take forever and yet be over in a flash? It makes no sense. Last week seems to have been so beyond epically long and yet it's almost the end of August. August! Where has it all gone? Bah.

We are such stuff as dreams are made on, rounded with a little sleep.

Music: GNW
Mood: Tired

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