Sunday, November 16, 2008

Life goes easy on me, most of the time

No love, no glory. No hero in her skies.

This song is gorgeous. Completely and utterly gorgeous. It makes me want to write a story around it, and to wrap it in the emotion, the imagery, it evokes.

I wonder if I should write something for the Anthology. Having never read/looked at the Anthology, I have no idea what they're after. But maybe that's a good thing. Cobble something random together.

It would probably be about immortality. It's something that fascinates me, and it's a subject that lends itself to a variety of interpretations and approaches. Currently, I'm more whimsical and lost in imagery, I'd have to go for something channeling a more 'Existentialism on Prom Night' type of mood.

I wonder sometimes whether my lack of concern regarding my aloof approach to life should be a problem. Shouldn't I care about these things? All evidence suggests that I should. And yet...only conclusion I can draw is that whoever wired my brain did a pretty dodgy job.

Speaking of, is it just me or is humanity slowly sliding towards a 'Gattaca' universe? One day we won't even die any more, brains will be transplanted into jars or something.

I saw this scribbled somewhere the other day and rather loved it -
Who is it that fascinates you?
Who is it that knows you better than yourself?
Who is it that will be waiting here with all ends at the end of the path
with a smirk and a sarcastic comment and a kiss on the mouth?
From 'A plea to the dying' by Emilie Autumn (who is apparantly a singer, although I can't say I've ever heard anything by her/of her even, but I am a sucker for classically trained musicians and believes this defintely calls for further research).

Completely unrelated - money woes. EPIC money woes. Rather worrying seeing as I'm going away in less than two weeks. As always, I fail spectatcularly *headdesk*


I'm half wacthing Almost Famous. It's on, but I'm not completely paying attention. Clearly. I do love it though : "That's because we're uncool. And while women will always be a problem for us, most of the great art in the world is about that very same problem. Good-looking people don't have any spine. Their art never lasts. They get the girls, but we're smarter...great art is about conflict and pain and guilt and longing and love disguised as sex, and sex disguised as love...the only true currency in this bankrupt world if what we share with someone else when we're uncool."

There are things I should be doing, stuff I should be writing, a life I should be living. Well, perhaps not at this time of night...but the theory is sound. I should probably start taking more chances.

Better a wrecked life than a life so aimless,
Better a wrecked life than a life so soft;
The ominous west glooms thundering, with its fire
Lit aloft.
[from Pastime - Christina Rossetti]

Music: The Blower's Daughter - Damien Rice
Mood: Creative

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