I'm all packed and it's only 15kg. Which I think is pretty good for a month. Layering. Lots of layering. I've gotten my international student card which for the record, looks really dodgy, and everything is charged and ready to go. I'm still worried I'm going to finish this dresden files book long before I actually get to london and then have nothing to do, but then again, I hardly ever read while on holiday.
Oreo seems very happy at the foster family, she's spoiled rotten by the boys already. It's a relief to know she's actually enjoying herself and not sitting in some kennel pining.
I dropped the Firefly dvds off at Em's place since Roze wasn't home, Em wasn't there but her mum saw me puzzling in front of the mailbox trying to figure out how to fit it in there. I've never met Em's mum and I've always suspected she blames me for her downfall, but she seemed quite impressed with me. Possibly because I was still wearing my work clothes and looking professional. She probably doesn't realise who I actually am. Oh well. Since I couldn't see Roze, she couldn't give me my b'day present but she told me what it was just so I don't go out and buy it in the meantime - seasons 1 and 2 of Doctor Who. Yaaaaay! Sometimes I feel like I just ramble at my friends and that I'm being annoying, then they do super awesome things and get me presents related to my rambling. Which makes me feel like I'm not just, well, rambling. It's nice :)
Oh I need to clear my camera and not leave it here.
Ah NCIS *shakes head* That woman is so obviously the evil one.
Well I suppose this will be my last blog. I'll be posting as I can, rambling and such, but no promises.
Madness and mayhem to follow.
Music: Nails for breakfast, tacks for snack - Panic! At The Disco
Mood: Accomplished

Oh shit... I bought you season 2 of Dr Who for your birthday. I think I still have the receipt though. We can return it and get season 3? Bugger! I can bring you some books if you want something to read? We have loads. OMG I can't WAIT!!!
ReplyDeleteOh dude you rock :) I'm sure you can swap it for season 3, I've done that here before. The book should keep till I get to yours, it's quite big. Then I'll just read yours if I have time, which I doubt :) Seeing you soooooon!
ReplyDeleteI had a completely random thought today. I said "Thank you very much" to a customer and was suddenly whisked back to the 90s and was mentally singing the song from the ads for the Cadbury Roses. You probably don't know it. Anyway. Do Cadbury Roses still exist?
I have no idea dude...wow that takes me back thought.