Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Let the sun rain down on me

Just a quick one to clog the already overflowing interwebz with a disaster update. Everyone is no doubt aware that Christchurch has fallen apart after a 6.3 earthquake yesterday. It was at a peak time in the day and the damage has been huge. Now, as one emotionally invested in the wellbeing of a lot of people down south, I was quite shaken by it. I love you Christchurch, please look after yourself until I can come over to see you in 49 days. Things are sadly not looking good. It’s just devastating. If you’d like to help out, you can donate through the Red Cross or Salvation Army. As they say, every little bit helps.

And if you’re a bit of a sad loser like me, you can follow a running report of everything here.

It’s just been disaster central around here lately. Half of Australia has washed away, fires and locusts in the other half. Floods in South America and South Africa. Cyclones. Mud slides. Earthquakes.

As someone on twitter remarked, if you ever wanted to visit the Southern Hemisphere, you’d better come now. We can’t guarantee how much longer it’ll be here. But you know, if the natural disasters don’t get you, the civil unrest and crazy dictators will certainly give it their best shot. All in all, the odds on Team Humanity really aren’t that great.

Music: The ballad of Mona Lisa - Panic! At The Disco

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