Monday, December 29, 2008

Then you're the fool, I'm just as well

Holy crap. I actually got in. I really didn't expect to. I don't know, I just kinda thought I'd try for this Honours thing cause it couldn't hurt, but I never expected to actually get in. Ah hell, now I'm actually going to have to put some serious work into uni next year huh? Damn my desire for further education! On the upside, postgrad will probably be a breeze after this.

I just need to enroll now.

Still compeltely amazed by this turn of events.

Oh, I got some good feedback on my final draft for screenwriting which is a relief, I had to revamp the whole thing and George seemed to appreciate it. He said it still sounds like a longer piece, which I guess isn't a bad thing seeing as it is a longer piece. Twenty two episodes longer I believe. Still, fucking agonizing as the whole screenwriting process is, it's nice to get some validation from someone who actually works in the industry and to know that hey, maybe we really are onto something here. Now to get back to writing the damned thing.

Blargh. I am so tired of coughing and phlegm. Gross I know, but it's the truth.

My dad's gone to the shops...I'm hoping he has a random flash of niceness and brings me back something. I'm starving. It's the least he could do after ruining my black jeans. GAH! Brand new too! I only got them just before I went away, all shiny and black and new. Now they look like they're five bloody years old. One wash, I don't know how he does it. I should probably just stop buying black jeans *grumble*

Now what should I do? I feel a bit restless. I can't settle down to watch a movie, can't settle to read, don't really want to spend the rest of the day in front of the computer after doing that yesterday...but any attempt to move leaves me feeling a bit drained. And to think mum's gone to work again today, poor thing.

Ah well, will think of something.

Random quote of the day -
Jack: Captain Jack Harkness.
The Doctor: Stop it!
Jack: Can't I say hello to anyone?

Music: Gives you hell - The All American Rejects
Mood: Shocked


  1. Right now you have more gigs booked than me... *pouts*.

  2. I havent actually booked any of them, lack of funds and all, they're just potential ones :)
