Sheldon: They were clever, they exploited my complete lack of interest in what you were doing. sick. Yes, just as summer decided to kick in properly, I succumb to some or other form of space virus. So today has passed with a head feeling full of cotton wool, lots of coughing and a box of tissues. Tres attractive. Regardless however, I've crossed the last thing off my EPIC to-do list that spanned the last two weeks. Yay! Now it's onto the next one, but it's luckily only one (and a half) magazines instead of the horrible three. I am thankful for small mercies.
What else is new? Um. Not much. The house has yet again been transformed into a festive madhouse, and I will be finding glitter in my hair and clothes for the next month at least. I haven't done any christmas shopping, so that's a bit of a worry - especially as I am broke. All my car bills are due next week, so there's not much I can do about that.
On the topic of monies, and not having them, I'll happily attend any of the following gigs in the new year. If any takes your fancy, let me know. Hopefully I'll be able to acquire tix when I have some disposable income at least. I really want to see TGA though, I may cry if I miss it.
Interpol 4 Jan @ The Enmore $83.50+BF
Future to the left 5 Jan @ The Annandale $$42+BF
Hot Hot Heat 6 Jan @ The Metro $44+BF
Cold War Kids 6 Jan @ The Metro $75.60+BF
The National 7/8 Jan @ The Enmore [Sold Out]
Amanda Palmer 26 Jan @ Opera House $56.95+BF
Sufjan Stevens 27/28 Jan @ Opera House [Sold Out]
Yeasayer 7 Feb @ The Metro $55+BF
Jenny & Johnny 7 Feb @ The OAF $58.90
Deerhunter 8 Feb @ The Metro $55+BF
The Getaway Plan 11 Feb @ The Metro $39.10+BF [on sale 11/12]
Andrew McMahon 12 Feb @ The Metro TBC [on sale 10/12]
Ben Jorgensen 22 Feb @ The Gaelic $19.80
The Gaslight Anthem 28 Feb @ The Metro $49.80+BF
The Hold Steady 8 March @ The Metro $49.90+BF
Sparkadia/Operator Please 1 April @ The Metro $28.70+BF [on sale 6/12]
Jimmy Eat World 8 April @ The Enmore $68.70+BF [on sale 9/12]
In other news, my uni assignments have been returned. I have received two HDs and three Ds. I am actually amazed cause I really didn't think I'd manage, what with the three full time subjects and full time work. At the same time though, I am maybe, maybe just a teeny tiny little bit disappointed as well. How screwed up is that? See what it's like in my head? Insanity! It's only because it frustrates me that my critical theory work is graded better than my creative writing. I don't know when this started happening, I used to cruise through creative writing classes. That's postgrad for you I guess - theory starts clicking properly (ie you know exactly how to write an essay that makes them think you know what you're on about) and they start tightening up on marking. I can't really be disappointed. Anyway, all things considered, I should be averaging a high D for the entire course so far, 2:1.
Not much else happening. Work is work. Life is life. I am generally happy. Seeing Muse this week, woo! Here's hoping I can get the band to kidnap me...
Ugh, sniffling! Make it stop! Blargh.
Music: Top Gear
Mood: Not amused, health. Not at all.

Wow I am so utterly out of my depth with the music scene nowadays. I know a total of... 6 of those artists. And when I say "know" that also means "know of". I'm so torn about Amanda Palmer. I want to go but Australia Day isn't exactly a day I want to spend at the theatre. sigh. Will contemplate. Let me know if/when you're buying tickets yeah?
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Well I've decided to get my Gaslight Anthem ticket tonight even if I'm broke, cause I reaaaaally want to see them. And it's the metro! Nice and small. They're mostly indie bands. I think I'll probably most definitely go see The Getaway Plan, they've *just* reformed, and Andrew McMahon - the way he attacks a piano is too awesome to miss. Also probably Ben, cause that's so cheap, why not! Oh and The Hold Steady. That'll be the main aims I wish I could do all of them! Sigh.