Sunday, January 11, 2009

Got a half spirit and a loaded gun

Here starts my resolve not to mention anything vaguely related to the Whoniverse for a whole week. Sounds simple, but look at my last lot of posts. It's completely bloody ridiculous. Stupid cult television.

Anyway, if my random rambling proves anything, it's that nothing has really been happening around here. I still haven't cleared out my room, or organised anything. As always, my apathy is remarkable.

I'm thinking of maybe going to Melbourne for a weekend or so. Qantas are having a sale. Or I could save that for going to New Zealand instead, Lizzie and I have been talking about it.

Why is it I can always think of so many things I want to do in my holidays but when actually on holiday, I don't do any of it? Instead I sit around in my pjs watching old James Bond movies. Fox Classics appear to be showing two a day. It reminds me of being back in Europe, all we seemed to watch when we happened to be in a hotel long enough was Bond movies and Top Gear. What I find amusing is that they have all this stuff that was considered high tech for the time which now equates to photoshop. Maybe that's why the newer Bond movies are avoiding the tech issue all together, dates less easily.

Music: The overworked hum of my laptop
Mood: Lazy


  1. Because dude, lazing around in our pjs is such a wonderful luxury and everything else takes effort.

    I'll go to melbourne with you! I'll go anywhere with you.

  2. You make a very convincing argument on the reason for pj-wearing :)

    We have to go somewhere dude *nods*
