Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Link it to the world

I slept away the morning and spent the afternoon sitting under the shade of a bluegum waiting for the garage to be done with my car. Suffice it to say, not much was done. Though I know my thesis isn't actually done, it's nice to know that no matter what happens, at least there is something to submit. I'll hopefully have it all done by this time next week, and then it's out of my hands and I can fall into the waiting arms of summer, time and freedom.

That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs, but what a ship is, what the Black Pearl really freedom.

I got an acceptance letter for the UTS Masters program today. Always feels like lovely vindication. But of course I'm now worried about how to go about this whole enrolling business. Obviously they want me to accept the offer as soon as possible, but the USYD applications won't even close until this Saturday, so I don't know how long I will have to wait to hear if I got in there. They are such vastly different programs, I don't know which I prefer. I'm still not sure whether I can get a commonwealth supported place at UTS either, they sent a form with the letter that seems to imply I can but the guy attending on application day was pretty adamant that you couldn't. I don't want to think about things, can't they just *be*? Too many 'what ifs' give me a headache.

Playlists to follow.

Music: New Born - Muse
Mood: Thoughtful

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