Saturday, April 4, 2009

Rugby, you're not doing it right!

I have just returned home from the most boring rugby match possibly ever. Seriously, the crowd were so bored by the end of it, everyone was chatting to each other and left the best of friends. Not much love for the players though, honestly, what exactly do they get paid for? No one appeared to be paying attention to what was happening on the field anymore until someone finally scored another try about 6 minutes before the end. I strongly suspect everyone got whiplash as they turned around, "Hey, something is actually happening! Quick, take a picture, it's a miracle!" Dear Super 14, you're not doing it right! Needless to say, I really, really missed Jasper.

It was Stormers v Waratahs and normally I wouldn't even think of going but I didn't get any say in the matter. It's not helped by the fact that we have friends who go out of some misplaced sense of South African patriotism even though they don't actually support the Stormers. Look, I don't know, it perplexes me but I'm tired of lecturing them on it.

The only amusing game-related thing of the night was when they showed the bench and Percy was there so we all started cheering because I have this really stupid joke concerning him which I started a few years ago and everyone got behind it. This then caused the guy in front of us to turn around and start chatting to us, which like I said, proves how boring the game was. He was very amusing, and I am totally convinced he is as gay as they come, despite the fact he was there with his girlfriend. He also couldn't stop talking about his lawyer and said lawyers boyfriend which to me didn't exactly help his cause much. Perhaps he was encouraged by the intense Torchwood discussion I was having minutes before, who knows?

There was a French couple next to him who I may have scared by demanding they return Daniel to me the minute they got home, and in mint condition, because "I miss my boys!" Don't worry, they would have known it was meant in boredom-induced good fun...I hope. Although I don't think anyone appreciated my moaning "You know, if this was a Crusaders game, an old Crusaders game..." spiel much. We really had to make our own entertainment, at one point we were all exchanging ideas on how to make it more exciting. My contributions were flame throwers to guide them in the right direction, or land mines. I also suggested drawing the players a road map to aid in finding the line, or if they were too stupid to figure this out, GPS chips for their shoes.

They showed the Wolverine ad during half time. I of course enthusiastically pointed it out (Huuuuuugh!) which earned me a few "You're weird" quips. I was all uh dudes, I'm sitting at a rugby match wearing a leather jacket and green gloves, scribbling in a beat up notebook, complaining about Proust essays and how Occam's razor doesn't apply to my uni degree, all the while having deep and meaningful conversations about fictional universes...thank you, Captain Obvious. At one point, for some unknown reason, we got on the subject of Jack (I don't even know how) and I had this massive philosophical debate with mum about him. In the end it came down to her not seeing him as a character she could support. Which I admit may have led to some emo whining on my part. She conceded that he was nice to look at. That's something at least. And yes, during all of this there was a match being played...though I don't think anyone told the players that. There was a lot of standing around and pouting which made me think maybe they thought it was a casting call for Merlin, and the ref seemed to be doing his best Gandalf impersonation - You Shall Not Pass!

I got into one of my typical moral high ground staunches with a bunch of neanderthals who were indulging in the usual racial and sexual slurs. I merely pointed it out that it was ironic that they kept calling someone a fag when they kept encouraging each other to indulge in various questionable activities. They were drunk off their heads (not that I blame them) and I am again struck by the thought that I'm going to get myself killed one day. They were being very loud and rude though so I wasn't the only one, other people told them to shut up too as there were lots of kids around, and they did. They were quite well behaved drunken louts all things considered.

Much arm waving, flag flapping, YMCA gesturing (it wasn't actually played, I just thought it sounded like a good idea and we should give it a go), random conversation making, and singing along to Katy Perry (which they appear to be unduly fond of at the stadium) later, we could all mercifully go home.

In the end the Waratahs won, 12 - 6, I think. It hardly seemed to matter.

Music: Coluuuuumboooo
Mood: Tired

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